歡迎訂閱 豐田時報
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(There is nothing we can’t overcome!)

As the impact of the COVID-19 is widely growing, Akio Toyoda talks to Toyota team members and stakeholders around the world.

【日文翻譯】 豐田以及雷克薩斯團隊的各位, 你們好!我是章男。 我想花點時間告訴大家,在這段艱難的日子里我一直惦記著每一位同事以及全球的局勢。 也許各位焦慮的程度會因你居住的地方而不同。但我相信大家或多或少都在擔憂今后的形勢擔心這次疫情會如何影響我們。 我多希望我能告訴大家它什么時候才能結束……因為沒有什么比“不確定”更讓人手足無措。 但有一點不用懷疑,這場危機終將過去我們一定會渡過難關! 請放心,各位當?shù)氐念I導團隊正在和我們總部一起,為所有的可能性制定計劃。 同時我們可以專注于當下來緩解對未來的不安?,F(xiàn)在我們能做的是一步一個腳印,一如既往地服務客戶以及幫助彼此。 一步一個腳印,我們定會共渡難關。 日復一日,我們定會走出這場危機。 我們曾一起面對許多挑戰(zhàn)。經(jīng)濟衰退……召回事件……自然災害……但每當困難來臨,豐田都一直迎難而上! 我要衷心感謝各位和各位的家人!感謝你們所做的犧牲和勤奮不懈的努力。 奮戰(zhàn)在工廠一線的各位,還有不得不在家工作的各位。 請相信,我會和你們并肩一起,豐田會全力以赴支持各位。 因為我們是一家人,家人就要相互扶持。 請各位從自己做起,聽從當?shù)卣甘荆瑤椭澜绻捕呻y關盡快結束這場危機。 勤洗手,就像我,今天已經(jīng)洗了二十次。 保持健康!保持樂觀! 請記住,這些都會過去!不要忘了我們同在一起!沒有什么困難是我們無法克服的! 謝謝,請各位多多保重!

【English】 Hi Team Toyota and Team Lexus… it’s me… Akio! I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am thinking about all of you…all around the world…during this difficult time. Although your level of anxiety may differ depending on where you live, I’m sure that all of you are worried about what lies ahead, and how this pandemic will impact us. I wish I could tell you when it will end… because nothing feels worse than uncertainty. But what we do know for sure… is that eventually, this crisis will end… and we will get through it! Rest assured that your local leadership teams, along with us here at headquarters, are making plans for all possibilities. But in the meantime, I think we can reduce our feelings of uncertainty by focusing on the near term…and what we can do… one day at a time… to continue to support our customers and each other. One day at a time, we will get through this together. Day by day…we will reach the end of this crisis. Together we have faced many challenges…from recessions…to recalls…to natural disasters…but when the going gets tough… Toyota gets going! I want to thank each of you and your families…for the sacrifices you are making…and for your continued hard work. From those of you on the front lines in our factories…to those of you now forced to work from home. Please know that I am here for you…and that Toyota will do everything possible to support you. Because we are a family…and family takes care of family. Please do your part to help the world get through this crisis as quickly as possible by following the directions of your respective governments. Wash your hands…I’ve already done it, like,twenty times today!... Stay healthy… stay positive… Remember that …“this too, shall pass”…and never forget…that together… there is nothing we can’t overcome. Thank you and take care.
